How to Deal with a Narcissist
Living around a person with a narcissistic disorder can be painful. Narcissism exists on a continuum from a healthy amount of self-love to a disordered amount of self-absorption. The disordered type of narcissism originates, in part, from being either overly indulged or neglected as a child, and includes such characteristics as: pervasive patterns of grandiosity coupled with deep insecurity, a strong need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. Demonizing them can render us their victims and cause us to fear them. The most empowering way to deal with them is to recognize and acknowledge their disorder, remember that they are wounded and unaware of their condition, set and consistently uphold appropriate boundaries, and distance ourselves when necessary and possible. To activate a much higher vibration for ourselves, rather than feeling fearful or victimized, choose what they are lacking…